We had 7 students from West Prep describe their experiences at TLC (Teen Leadership Camp) today. Nice turn out for the Fun Club. They were accompanied by principal Mike Pinccininni and counselor Jaime Pochowski. The students were: Andrea Hammond, Jenny Purdue (who could not attend, but Mom filled in), Keara Hughes, Stephnie Valle, Vicki Pang, Aldair Callejas Lasaro, Andrew Quintanilla and Jose Banuelos. Lynn Price asked each to describe what they liked at TLC, what they learned, what they wished they could have done more and what did they bring back with them.
There were some common threads. All mentioned the motivational speaker, Scott Greenberg, and everyone liked the zip line and meeting new friends. Most mentioned the problem of bullying, which was brought to the forefront by our own Miss Nevada who gave a talk. The students were honest and refreshing in their comments. After each had spoken Principal Mike told how different it is being a kid today, and how the facelessness of social media makes bullying easier and more prevalent. I am always gratified we have members like Lynn to lead and happy our club can contribute to such a worthy project each year.
Ted Gurr announced the recipients of the Mini Grants. Twin Lakes received $ 500 for Artistic Visual Reference Library for K-5; also $ 500 for Leveled Reading Materials for Kindergartners. Jydstrup got $ 500 for Library Books for Natural Science ( half their request), and West Prep $ 666 for Dictionaries and Thesauruses for 3rd and 4th graders (also half their original request). Assisting Ted on the Mini Grant committee were Francie Summers and Sharon Jakle.
Another terrific program we sponsor is Santa Clothes, which is Thursday Dec. 6 at 7:30 am at JC Penny at the Meadows Mall. Very gratifying and fun - each member helps a student shop for $ 150 of clothes (the cost is already covered). It is over by 9:00 am unless you wish to accompany the kids to UNLV where they play sports with Rebel athletes and cheerleaders. If you've never participated, it's a must do and Rotary Moment for many.
Brett told about an annual toy drive that Emily, Zachary and Domique put on for heart patient children. You can bring a toy or money to the Christmas party next Tuesday.
I couldn't help but think, sitting with Lynn Purdue and Brett, how much they affect others, as we all do in some way. We had a recent speaker from Dress for Success, a non-profit started by an employee of Lynn's. Her company encourages each employee to get involved with a non-profit in the community and Paige Candee decided she wanted to start her own, which she did. Brett's children have seen his efforts as a Rotarian and follow his example with the Toy Drive and other endeavors. We may be tempted to think that we are such a small club, what can we do. But we do a lot with our programs and by letting our light shine before our families and associates.
The Christmas party is next week - be sure to RSVP to Ken Cox.