Sunday, May 8, 2011

Meeting of 04/05/2011 - LV Fire Chief Mike Myers

April 5, 2011 Meeting

The speaker was the Fire Chief of the Las Vegas Fire Dept. Mike Myers. He did a good job of describing the department; it’s mission and goals.  They do more that most fire depts.. Around the country with fewer people and resources.
He specifically addressed pay, sick leave and overtime.  He also answered questions about consolidation, as there are fire depts. in Henderson, North Las Vegas and Clark County. Starting fire fighters make less than $ 20 / hour and average $ 50,000 per year.  A previous decision by the city determined it is less expensive to pay overtime than hire enough personnel to do the job required. That new fire fighter earns on average $ 25,000 in overtime.  Benefits add about 50 % to the value of funded liability.  Sick leave averages 6 days per year, and OT cannot follow sick leave.  A real sticking point is accrued sick leave, which can add up to $ 100,000 at retirement.  They are working to amend that rule.  Upon questioning it seems the fraud we see reported in the media is with other fir depts. in the area, not the Las Vegas dept.
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There were 13 m3mbers and 7 guests and visiting Rotarians.
Brett announced his trip to Chicago proved to him he is getting good treatment here and will stay with his present oncologist.  It was 28 degrees. No mention of a visit to Wrigley Field.
Pres. Bill said Ashley is home, still struggling but glad to be home.  Mike Link won $ 400, Ted $ 200, and Tom and Brett $ 100 each in the Final 4 board.  The charity account is now $ 800 richer, thanks to Brett and all participants.
The annual Board Retreat is April 20 at Canyon Gate from 8 am – 2 pm with lunch provided.  All members are welcome.
One visiting Rotarian was from Scotland and described his club of 40 members. Their annual fundraiser last year made $ 40,000 USD.  Time to get Vegas Baby started, as we now hang our hat on it.

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